Midnight Selichot A series of Selichot (“supplication”) prayers, recited in preparation for the “Days of Awe” of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The actual Selichot are a collage of Torah verses and poetically written Hebrew works in which we ask G‑d to forgive us on a personal and communal level.Continue Reading

Dear Friend, We are entering the New Year of 5784. It’s the time of the year when we come to recognize the successes of the work of Chabad Cape Coral and must thank and give appreciation to you our dear friends and congregants for helping us along the way. AsContinue Reading

For thousands of years, Jewish marriages have been strengthened through the sanctity and holiness inherent in Taharat Hamishpacha – the practice of Family Purity, of which immersion in a Mikvah is an integral part.  The mikvah is a mystical pool of rainwater that transports a person back to the veryContinue Reading

An Eternal Bond with the Eternal Soul Although the passing of a person is a tremendous loss for relatives and friends, in Judaism Yahrzeits are a time of reflection and contemplative celebration – not mourning. The soul of the deceased is actualizing its life-long dream – reuniting with its Creator.Continue Reading

Dear friend, As you may know, Chabad Jewish Center is dedicated to serving every Jew with Ahavat Israel and unconditional love, regardless of religious background, affiliation or financial status. Since our inception in August 2004, we have been involved in serving the needs of the estimated 4000 residents of theContinue Reading

Our children are an important part of our holidays. This program will leave the children with positive memories of their childhood experience in Synagogue and allow us, the parents, to take part in the services! Led by our experienced and energetic leaders, we will provide fun and educational programs forContinue Reading

Weekday Services: Sunday through Friday mornings • 8:00 am Shabbat Services: To emulate our creator who rested on the seventh day, we invigorate our spiritual sensitivities by setting aside our mundane, earthly labors from dusk on Friday to evening on Saturday. Shabbat is a time when intellectual exchange and familyContinue Reading

 Dear Friend,  This year in honor of Yom Kippur we are putting together a list of all the names of loved ones to be remembered during the Yizkor Service. Having all these names compiled in one booklet, as is customary in many communities, brings everyone together as one family andContinue Reading